Freddie Ludlow – His Life on Two Wheels

Freddie Ludlow – His Life on Two Wheels


Freddie Ludlow. His Life on Two Wheels, by Don Emde

 Back in 2020, The Speed Kings. The Rise & Fall of Motordrome Racing, by Don Emde, received the Best Book of the Year award by the Motor Press Guild. Now, you can be among the first to own a copy of his latest book, Freddie Ludlow. His Life on Two Wheels. Available now!

The seeds of the idea for this book were planted over twenty years ago when author Don Emde was entrusted with the care and ownership of a scrapbook of Freddie Ludlow, an early day motorcycle pioneer. With nearly 100 pages of the scrapbook photos organized chronologically with Ludlow’s own handwritten captions, what was obvious was that he was a man of adventure and competitive spirit, who also answered the call to serve his country.

Freddie Ludlow’s motorcycling life began as a delivery boy for Western Union on the streets of downtown Los Angeles around 1910. Local competitions followed until he enlisted in the Army and put his motorcycling experiences as a rider and mechanic to use in Europe during World War I. Upon his return home, Ludlow became one of the top motorcycle racers in the United States, rising to the level of National Champion in 1921. A few years later, his sense of service again saw him finding ways to put motorcycles to good use when he became a motor patrol officer in Pasadena, California, a job that he would have for the next thirty years.

His new “day job” didn’t mean, though, that Freddie was done raising the bar in the motorcycle sport when it came to speed and performance. Through the 1920s and ‘30s, he set numerous speed records on the hard packed sand at Daytona Beach, Florida; on the Bonneville Salt Flats, even along a stretch of public road near San Bernardino, California.

Freddie Ludlow died in 1983, but his amazing motorcycling life lives on in Freddie Ludlow. His Life on Two Wheels. It features not only his scrapbook pages but also many pages written by Don Emde filled with back stories and additional rare and historic photographs of Ludlow and many other legendary racers who were his competitors.

 176 pages – Hardbound – 10 x 12 inches

Highly illustrated – 400+ photos and related images

Printed in sepia-tone throughout with retouched black & white photos from Freddie Ludlow’s scrapbook pages, plus some limited color images.